Nahyan Ali Munawar

Third-year Computer Science major at the University of Texas at Dallas. Passionate about problem-solving and project-building with hands-on experience in full-stack development, database design, natural language processing, and more. Currently looking for additional internship experience.

black and silver headphones on black and silver microphone
black and silver headphones on black and silver microphone
Personal Voice Assistant

Developed a Python-based voice assistant that can set SMS reminders and search the internet upon voice command, using a custom-trained SpaCy natural language processing model, the Hugging Face Transformers machine learning model, a custom MongoDB database, PyAudio and web-scraping libraries, along with Twilio API calls.

empty black rolling chairs at cubicles
empty black rolling chairs at cubicles
Job Applications Tracker

Created a website that can be used to post and apply for jobs, configure applications, check statuses, and schedule interviews, with the use of a specifically designed MySQL database schema, PHP, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, incorporating user-authentication and protection against SQL injections.

brown wooden post with light
brown wooden post with light

Engineered a system to text forecast-related alerts to multiple users each and every morning at a designated time, using a free forecast API and the Twilio API.

Languages, Frameworks, Tools:

Java, C/C++, Python, Springboot, Flask, MySQL, NoSQL(MongoDB), HTML/CSS/JavaScript, React.js, UNIX, Tkinter, numPy, Natural Language Processing (SpaCY), Git, REST API